Holamun2 mas sabe el diablo
Holamun2 mas sabe el diablo

holamun2 mas sabe el diablo

This telenovela was sold to 70 countries around the world. It translates approximately to, "The devil knows more because he is old, than because he is the devil." It is meant to underscore the significance of wisdom derived from age and life experience. The title of the show is a shortened form of the Spanish saying or refrán, "Más sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo". Don Browne, the president of the television network, said that it maintained "total creative independence" during the process. Census Bureau met with the producers of the series. Census, is used to promote the census to Hispanic Americans, who were (as of 2009) wary of the U.S. Perla Beltrán, a character who got a job for the U.S.

holamun2 mas sabe el diablo

Telemundo added a subplot at the request of the U.S. Ms Sabe el Diablo CAPTULOS INICIO VIDEOS Acerca de la Serie Ms Sabe el Diablo es la historia de la vida de ngel que va a vivir en medio de un camino de equivocaciones, pero su gran. Synopsis:Rotten Tomatoes, home of the Tomatometer, is the most trusted measurement of quality for Movies & TV. A compressed version titled “Más Sabe el Diablo the Remix” will air with English language subtitles on the cable network mun2. As with most of its other soap operas, the network broadcasts English subtitles as closed captions on CC3.This show's working title was ¿Por Qué Diablos? ("Why Devils?", though also may mean Why the hell?), which is the name of a 1999 Colombian telenovela it is based on.


Telemundo aired the serial Mondays through Fridays from the premiere to the 12 February 2010 finale. Our hero learns that love is the only key to survival. Video oficial de Telemundo Más Sabe El Diablo. Neither of the men know that Ángel is Martín's own son. She decides to defend Ángel, even though Martín wants to destroy him. He tangles with the power-hungry Martín, who is engaged to a stunning, feisty lawyer named Manuela. Ms sabe el diablo Capitulo 30 ngel es hijo de las circunstancias por la difcil situacin que ha vivido desde su nacimiento, pues a pesar de que Esperanza, su madre, luch por el amor de su pap, a l nunca le interes ni el beb, ni su embarazo y le dio la espalda aconsejado por su madre. Set in New York (yet mostly filmed in Miami),the serial features the street-wise Ángel, who treats life as a game he plays to win. Más Sabe el Diablo (The Devil Knows Best) is a Spanish-language telenovela produced by the United States-based television network Telemundo.This melodrama features lovers embroiled in intrigue, betrayal, vengeance and unbridled passion.It stars Gaby Espino, Jencarlos Canela and Miguel Varoni.Telemundo says that about 1 million people tune in each weeknight.

Holamun2 mas sabe el diablo